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How To Do The Glute Bridge


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1. How to do a bridge ?
2. Benefits Of The Glute Bridge
3. Glute Bridge Variations
4. Hip Thrust

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Bridges are an example of a chain exercise. They are a closed chain exercise because the arms and legs remain in place during the exercise. Bridges show up in all sorts of fitness settings. They have benefits for everyone from body builders to runners and yogis. In fact, yogis consider bridges as a type of backbend, the Sanskrit name for which is Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. Other names for the exercise include glute bridge and butt lift.

How to do a bridge ?

Lie on your back with knees raised and feet flat. Exhale and lift your bottom up from the floor. Keep your thighs and inner feet parallel. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. You may rest your arms with hands palms down by your sides or clasp them together and extend them along the floor beneath you. Hold for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Lower your bottom to the floor and repeat for desired number of reps.

Benefits Of The Glute Bridge

You should feel the burn in your glutes and your hamstrings if you’re doing it correctly. The bridge is also great for improving hip mobility and strengthening your lower back, two things that any desk-bound worker can really benefit from.

Glute Bridge Variations

Single-Leg Glute Bridge - There are plenty of worthwhile variations to the glute bridge that don’t require any gym equipment. The best place to start is with the single-leg glute bridge, which halves the number of grounded legs to double the difficulty. Lie on your back and bend your knees so your feet rest flat on the floor. Then raise one leg until it is stretched out straight. Brace yourself, then drive the heel of the foot still grounded into the floor and push your hips up until your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to the toes of your outstretched foot. Slowly lower yourself again, then repeat on the same side. Aim for ten reps on one leg, then switch to the other.

Medicine Ball Glute Bridge - This is best performed on a gym mat. Elevate your feet by placing them both on a medicine ball and, keeping your core engaged, drive through your heels until you’re extended. Pause for a second or two and squeeze your glutes. Slowly lower back to the start, but don’t let your glutes touch the floor because this would take the tension off the target muscles

Glute Bridge And Curl - You can also ramp up the challenge of the glute bridge by adding a towel into the mix. Put your feet on it and slide them out and back in slowly when in the bridged position, keeping your hips raised throughout. This is called the glute bridge and curl, and it’s tough.

Glute Bridge March - Another tough variation is the glute bridge march. Once you’re in the elevated position of a regular glute bridge, move one leg slowly up towards your chest in a high-knee “marching” motion. Then lower it and march with the other leg. Alternate until you reach a total of 40 marches, 20 on each side.

Hip Thrust

Once you feel you have sufficiently mastered the bodyweight glute bridge, step up to what is essentially a barbell glute bridge. You’ll need to find yourself a flat bench, and lie horizontally on it supported by your upper back. Select a weight that allows you to perform six to eight reps with good form. 스포츠토토 Position the centre of the bar at your midriff level, with a squat pad or a towel between you and it. Slowly lower, and then initiate the pressing phase by driving through your heels. Extend vertically at the hips at the top portion of the lift.