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  • Baseball/Softball
  • Health Benefits of Softball
  • Adding Time for Play and Fun


Softball is related to rounders, cricket and baseball: when your team is on offense, you hit a slowly-pitched ball with a round bat and attempt to advance around four bases and score a run. Meanwhile, the defense is trying to get you out by catching balls hit in the air or throwing the ball to the base you’re attempting to reach. A full game, consisting of seven “innings”, usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes. Slowpitch softball is played in leagues based in most major towns and cities in England, Scotland and Wales, and is usually played by teams made up of equal numbers of female and male players. 토토 There are also some all-women slowpitch teams, but the main all-women format of the sport is called fastpitch softball, and is a bit more athletically and tactically challenging.

Being a sport predominantly played by women, softball is among the biggest youngster sports played by the girls. But perhaps beyond minor league competition, there are many leagues which offer the opportunity to softball teams to get out and play. This spots is really popular now and also have many benefits that you can get from this sport. Some of these softball benefits are mentioned below.

Health Benefits of Softball

Provides total body conditioning: Unlike other sports, softball is an activity that requires multiple skills, and therefore provides total body conditioning. Running, swinging, fielding and throwing all require a coordinated effort from numerous muscles throughout the body.

Anaerobic benefits and strength: Every single action in softball is an explosive action. Hitting, throwing, quick lateral movements, jumps off the bases and others are all explosive. In addition, softball players need throwing power and acceleration power. A base in overall body strength and maximal strength is also important; it serves as a foundation to build muscular power. Some muscular endurance is also beneficial, especially for pitchers.

Upper body development: The arm and shoulder muscles play a significant role in the softball swinging and throwing motions. The rotator cuff, triceps, biceps, forearms, deltoids and other major upper body muscles are central muscles for being able to swing, pitch and throw with power.

Mid and lower body conditioning:  The power generated during batting comes from the legs and the core. The oblique muscles on the sides of the abdomen are major contributors to the rotational elements of the swinging and throwing motions.

Requires increased flexibility: Overall flexibility is important in softball, but it is especially important to increase flexibility in the tight areas. Some of the common tight muscles or muscle groups among softball players are hamstrings, hip flexors, calves and chest area (pectoralis minor, more specifically). This tightness greatly increases the risk of injury, so it is important to stretch and stay flexible.

Burns calories and fat: The average player burns around 300 calories per hour of play.

Improves self-esteem: Players involved in sports like softball generally feel better about themselves, both mentally and socially. Practicing, improving skills and gradually achieving goals help build confidence, reduce stress and make them more resistant to social pressure. Often, lifelong friendships are formed on the field as the girls learn to trust and rely on each other.

Mental benefits: Playing sports does more than whittle your waistline and firm up your calves. Research shows that you can reap mental health advantages from playing sports, too. Whether you like the single-minded focus of running or walking, or prefer the camaraderie of a softball team, you’ll feel better if you play sports.

Teaches teamwork: Working with coaches, trainers and teammates to achieve goals is great practice for the real world where teaming up with others to meet goals are keys to success.

Develops leadership skills: People usually receive more benefits than they expect from participating in sports. They get attention and respect that they may not receive elsewhere, and participation provides them with opportunities for leadership and socialization, as well as the development of skills for handling success and failure.

Adding Time for Play and Fun

Finally, softball provides time for fun.

In our busy worlds, there is little time for adults to get together and play. During softball games, adults get to spend time in the sun, catching and throwing, running, and hitting.

There are not too many other opportunities for adults to get out and play in the dirt and grass – especially with other adults! Then, after the game, they get to spend time going out to celebrate the win or the loss.