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Fun Ways to Get 30 Minutes of Physical Activity

· sport


  • Steps for Staying Active

Fun ways to get 30 minutes of physical activity today. When you were a kid, you didn’t think about “exercising” you moved your body while playing. Swinging from the monkey bars, running around the park and playing soccer with friends were par for the course of an active childhood. If as an adult the thought of breaking a sweat breaks your spirit, it might be time to think about fun ways you can get active, just like you did when you were a kid.

It is recommended that adults do 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week. Just 30 minutes a day will put you right in the middle of that range. Except for the fact that no one wants to spend half an hour a day doing something they hate. In finding enjoyable activities, you will get the most out of the physical activity and, since you re having fun,  you will keep coming back for more. Below is a list of activities that will get your heart pumping and add a bit of fun into your schedule at the same time.

Steps for Staying Active

1. Set a goal – ever wanted to try a triathalon? With a little perseverance and some perspiration, you can get there. Make your goals measurable and achievable. 토토사이트

2. Make a day of it – it’s easy to add activity through your weekend outings. How much better will that picnic taste once you’ve climbed that hill and got the view to match?

3. Be active with others – rope in your friends and whānau and you can all have a great time. Adults versus kids cricket, anyone? Or see if there’s a sports team at work you could join.

4. Try a range of activities – team sports not for you? Try releasing your energy with some kickboxing instead – or harness it with some relaxing yoga techniques.

5. Have fun – if having to go to the gym at lunchtime gets you down, don’t forget there are other options. Go tramping, take a dance class – as long as you enjoy it, you can stick with it.

6. Make some swaps – you could:

  • get out and doing some gardening or going for a walk, instead of turning on the TV
  • swap your coffee breaks at work with walking breaks
  • use a push mower instead of an electric mower (and impress the neighbours!)

7. Make it normal – physical activity should be a normal part of your day, and not a chore. Simple things, like walking or cycling to the shops or to work, can make a big difference.

8.‘Snack’ on activities – short periods of activity still count towards your weekly activity level. Even small things, like taking the stairs instead of the lift, add up!